Design and Implementation of MPLS Network Simulator Supporting LDP and CR-LDP
- Architecture of MPLS Node
- Api Invocation for handling LDP
- 3.4. API for Creating MPLS network
The followings are APIs defined for creating a MPLS
MPLSnode — create a new MPLS node
configure-Idp-on-all-mpls-nodes — attach LDP agents to
all MPLS node.
enable-control-driven — let LSRs operate as controldriven trigger.
enable-traffic-driven — let LSRs operate as trafficdriven trigger.
enable-on-demand — let LSRs operate as on-demand
label allocation mode
enable-ordered-control — let LSRs operate as ordered
make-explicit-route — establish an ER-LSP
flow-erlsp-binding — map a flow onto an established
trace-mpls — trace MPLS packets
trace-ldp — trace LDP packets
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